Robin Graves

Medic of the Bozjan Resistance || Made Man of Eorzea || Infobroker || Ex-Associate of the Syndicate

"That's five-hundred, and then another. One thousand Gil," Robin slid a neat stack of 1,000 Gil over to a scantily clad Highlander. She nodded an approval then began to hand it out to her risque colleagues. Robin let out a low sigh, tucking a strand of pale blonde hair behind his pointed ear. He glanced over to the corner of the bar, looking up towards a balcony with a Miqo'te gentleman working a contraption, "Don't forget to turn off the lights! Too hot and we'll start a fire. The last thing is need is the Fla--""Robin! Flames!" a voice called out.He pinched the bridge of his nose whilst two stepping it towards the front door. He snapped his fingers twice, getting the attention of the girls to skedaddle. He put on a practiced smile, a familiar mask, and swung open the door, "Gentleman! You seem like your wallets are a little light this evening!"

Robin Graves is a self-made man of opportunity. A lowborn Duskwight scraped by what little that he could. Born in the cold lands of Coerthas, shipped to the Black Shroud, and forced to Ul'Dah. He calls a tight airship cabin more of a home than his own hometown.The opportunistic Elezen was a fixer of sorts. He would find any work, opportunity, or position for any interested laborers, adventurers, or mercenaries. But, as a collector of secrets and known Associate of the Syndicate, the Eorzean dream was bound to come to an end.Robin now lives abroad in Namai. Avoiding the all-seeing eye of the Syndicate and aiding the Bozjan Resistance.


Robin is calm, cool, and collected. That is... when he is at his most focused. He is a shrewd and spiteful Elezen, angry when he sees opportunities passed on. And when he sees people pass up on potentially good employees. This Duskwight raised himself in the various under circles of Ul'Dah to rub elbows with the Syndicate and help fill their various dens of skin, Gil, and all manner of vices. This success has given him a case of narcissism.Now that he has saved up a sum, he is striking it out more publicly. He is warm, welcoming, and will help most find a good and honest job. He welcomes all and does not discriminate unless there is no Gil to be had by either person.Sadness is not often seen. Appearance and brand matters too much. Combat and fighting is a last resort. He is more apt to rely on others to do the heavy lifting.

Costly Decisions

It was quick. It was so gods damned fast. A loud metallic thud was heard. A bloodied knife splattered its' latest feast on the stone flooring. A young Elezen, a boy no more than thirteen, looked panic stricken at slumped over Hyuran gentleman. He groaned loudly, clutching his wide gullet as a crimson ocean expanded and stained his grey and dirtied shirt. Bloodshot eyes stared at the Elezen, pure fury and waning hatred, "Y-You bastard!"Robin squeaked, seemingly ripped from whatever coping mechanism his brain was conjuring up. Why did the blade slide so easily? "T-That.." his voice cracked, "... that... that," the man groaned in pain, falling from his chair to the floor and staring up at a scrawny Elezen orphan boy. The blood pooled on the stone now, his life was fading."T-That," he was stammering, then he pushed through, "... don't touch kids s-shite!" He quickly kicked the man in his side then promptly ran from the room, tears streaming down his face as he clamored out of a window. Leaving the man to his lonely fate.

Robin is a man that does not like to kill but will not bat an eyelash as he contracts someone else to make a kill.He is quite good with a blade, having been trained by the Syndicate as he grew into a man. He has been hired as security for private events, noble gatherings, and more. But he always assumed a more managerial role. Delegating the physical tasks to his more muscular colleagues. In a pinch he is quite dexterous and skilled at getting away from trouble.A treasure of his legacy, he holds unto old ways. Following the culture and teachings from Gelmorra, Robin was able to dabble in both thaumaturgy and conjuration. However, he is a master of neither and is not the most practiced.

About & Appearance

Name: Robinaire de la Croix (Robin Graves)
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Race: Elezen - Duskwight
Place of Birth: Dragonhead, Coerthas Central Highlands
Occupation: Bozjan Resistance, Freelance Medic
Place of Residence: Namai
Height: 6'10"
Skin Tone: Fair Skinned
Build: Lanky, soft, very mild definition
Alignment - Chaotic Neutral
Eyes: Pale Emerald
Hair: Pale Blonde, often worn down or meticulously tied

"Overwhelmed with opportunities? Unsure of where to place your loyalties? Just want to get your next pay day as soon as possible? Consult with Robin Graves of Old Gridania. Guide to all things Gil, purveyor of opportunities, and guaranteed to find you work."

Roleplay Hooks

  • "A fair-skinned Elezen rice farmer? How odd.." - Robin has been living in Namai for nearly ten years. He supports the local village but generally always keeps to himself. He always looks aloof and distant. He has been taking up his rapier and crystal medium in the Bozjan Warfront, aiding the fight against the empire.

  • "I heard M'era earned double with Graves the other night. Is he still recruiting?" - Robin is no stranger to the various underground gatherings and endless bars. He is always pleased to hire the right fit for the right bar. Are you a sword for security? A hostess with a great smile? A famous singer? Or dancer? Robin has you covered.

  • The caravan leaves on the morrow. Grab your gear. There will be bandits. - He will hire for adventurers, mercenaries, swords of fortune, and thrill seekers alike. He works closely with merchants of the City States to ensure their goods and Gil are 'kept safe on the threatening roads.

  • Just another Grey - He tries not to play with the in-fighting between Duskwight and his Wildwood brethren. However, he will go out of his way to help a lowborn rise up and overcome financial adversity. He has a distate for nobles, but not their Gil.

  • "Did you see that Elezen counting pocket change? Who uses exact change?! - Robin has an overwhelming lust for Gil and everlasting fortune. He is meticulous on costs but is quick to flaunt it for those close to him. No friend of Robin's will have an empty glass.

  • "A thirst for the secret art of the Red Mage - Robin has always been a fan of the rapier; Having seen many a noble nearly throw themselves at the chance to show it off. He has heard of Red Mages but only through hushed rumors, tall tales, and ancient fables. There has been rumor that some may know the ways, and he would pay a handsome sum to learn more.


32 years old || US Based GMT -5 || Heavy RP || Mirror Style Writing

Thank you for visiting my carrd! Don't hesitate to send me a message if you have any questions. I love to meet folk, both old and new faces alike.

  • I've been a role-player for the better part of a decade in all manner of MMORPGs. My biggest ones being Anarchy Online, World of Warcraft, The Matrix Online, and Star Wars Galaxies. FFXIV is my newest venture!

  • I am often a "paragraph" RPer (usually 2-3 blocks of text via in-game chat but that is reserved for more one on one RP. I am flexible with my style and can shorten if the situation calls.

  • I do not blend IC and OOC. Please respect that.

  • Open to all forms of RP (I am 21+ and will only RP mature themes with individuals over 21)

  • Preference on in-game versus Discord. If Discord RP needs to happen then I am willing to be flexible should the plot dictate it

Robin Graves#9896